Sunday, 27 March 2011

The Holy Quran Calligraphy

(637 years old – 791th  Hijri)

This Holy Book was Cali graphed by Muhammed Bin Usman in the 791th Hijri (almost 630 years back), Allah al mighty given wisdom and blessed him and his ancestors for this remarkable and unique work.

Translation in Arabic language of every single word and the explanation (Tafseer) of the Quran on four sides in a such remarkable way, see the pictures (III) and (IV) given below. The calligraphy was done by great Alame Muhammed Bin Usman , shows his highest knowledge of Quran and the amazing writing skills. This extra-ordinary calligraphy would have only been possible with the special blessings of Allah poured out upon him.

First two pages of the Holy Book

Gold had been used in the starting, in the middle, in the end and the Gold water was used at the end of every Ayyah and Roquo

At the end of Holy Quran the Calligrapher Muhammed Bin Usman described himself his name and date of calligraphy.